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Habits such as regular exercise are well known to be linked to better health in older adults. Far less is understood about behaviors that contribute to the optimally aging mind. This may be a reasonwhy only about 25% of elders meet the standards for optimal cognitive aging. The Aging Intellect describes more than a dozen specific characteristics that distinguish older people who remain cognitively vigorous from the majority who are aging normally or are at risk for cognitive impairment. In addition, this book provides professionals with evidence-based recommendations that can help their aging patients and clients minimize the effects of predictable cognitive changes and more fully use their mental abilities. The Aging Intellect is also written for people of all ages interested in maximizing their cognitive vigor. Dr. Powell has encouraging words for those who know they are not aging optimally, but are willing to modify one or two habits that can improve their mental powers.
Richly illustrated with clinical examples and case studies, The Aging Intellect includes topics rarely discussed in book form.
specifies lifestyle habits and attitudes linked to three levels of cognitive aging: optimal, normal, and at risk for cognitive impairment describes evidence based strategies that minimize mental decline warns of normal cognitive changes that increase the chances of elders making poor financial decisions identifies intellectual qualities that strengthen with age.The Aging Intellect Harvard Gazette In this important book, Douglas H. Powell, a clinical instructor in psychology, discusses lifestyle habits and attitudes linked to cognitive aging, and provides ... Amazon.com: The Aging Intellect (9780415996853): Douglas H. Powell ... "As we extend our life spans through healthy living, we sense a growing vulnerability to cognitive impairment with each passing birthday. Harvard psychologist Douglas ... Healthy Aging: Healthy Mind & Spirit - WebMD - Better information ... Get facts and tips on staying mentally fit and maintaining a good attitude as you age. Hint: Be active, challenge your mind, and build healthy relationships The Aging Intellect by Douglas Powell (Used, New, Out-of-Print ... Alibris has The Aging Intellect and other books by Douglas Powell, including new & used copies, rare, out-of-print signed editions, and more. Douglas H. Powell The Aging Intellect evolved from the author's lecture notes for students in his classes at Harvard and at Florida Gulf Coast University: hit counter download. The Amazing Aging Mind - Living with and learning from Alzheimer's ... observations of an alzheimers caregiver ... The Amazing Aging Mind. Living with and learning from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other dementias The Aging Mind - NCBI Bookshelf - National Center for ... Excerpt. In 1999, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) asked the National Research Council to identify areas of opportunity in which additional research ... The Aging Mind: Opportunities in Cognitive Research Possible new breakthroughs in understanding the aging mind that can be used to benefit older people are now emerging from research. This volume identifies the key ... The Aging Intellect Psychology Today I am now in my third week of recording memory lapses during the month of July. It's amazing how much I have learned. For instance, my first lesson is that when I am ... Aging: The Aging Mind - Senior Health, Aging, Elder Care, and ... Tips for an Aging Mind. Here are some strategies to help your brain as it changes with age: Don't make rash decisions. Give yourself time to think.
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