Friday, May 20, 2011

Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir

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Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir

Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir

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Of what do we write when we write of love? In Bob Smith's case, it is Shakespeare's poems and plays. Hamlet's Dresser braids two strands of his life into a modest, heartbreaking, and soaringly affirmative memoir. A bookish, lonely child, his crush on the Bard's work became love when, as an alienated teenager, he joined the American Shakespeare Theatre as Hamlet's dresser. In time he would dress other characters, perform in small roles, become a coach and a watcher, and eventually lead senior citizens' groups in Shakespeare-appreciation courses. But this ecstatic marriage was haunted by his sad, contorted childhood: an increasingly dysfunctional mother, a distant father, and Caroline, his profoundly retarded sister. "Art," he writes, "can be a brutal thing, not just some decoration placed over the truth, but the truth itself." Smith's prose is bluntly ineffable: a rundown theatre looks like "Miss Havisham's bride cake" and the first teacher who didn't like him was "Miss Shumaker. It was right after I stopped pleasing everybody." The book is thick with short passages from Shakespeare. Placed in perfect context, they leap from the pages, abrupt as panoramic pop-ups. --H. O'Billovich

Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir: Bob Smith: 9780786124008: ... "Hamlets Dresser is a masterpiece. Thats all there is to it." --Frank McCourt, author of Angelas Ashes "...this easily hits my top 10 list of best audiobooks ... Bob Smith (Author of Hamlet's Dresser) - Share Book ... Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir 3.70 avg rating 211 ratings published 2002 14 editions: Want to Read saving Want to Read; Currently ... Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir by Bob Smith - New, Rare & Used Books ... Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir by Bob Smith - Find this book online from $0.99. Get new, rare & used books at our marketplace. Save money & smile! Memoir - Books & Literature Classics What is a memoir? Why do we write ... Faith and Love," "This Boy's Life: A Memoir" (Tobias Wolff), "Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir" (Bob Smith, a life related to Shakespeare), ... Review-a-Day - Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir by Bob Smith, reviewed ... Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir by Bob Smith. A Life With Shakespeare A review by Adrienne Miller . Shakespeare is "the language of my incredible loneliness," writes Bob ... Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir by Bob Smith - Reviews, Discussion ... Hamlet's Dresser has 211 ratings and 31 reviews. Roberta said: Hamlet's DresserOttimo memoir, o meglio autobiografia, di Bob Smith, attore, regista e co... Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir: Bob Smith: 9780684852690: ... Of what do we write when we write of love? In Bob Smith's case, it is Shakespeare's poems and plays. Hamlet's Dresser braids two strands of his life into a modest ... Hamlet's Dresser Book by Bob Smith - Simon & Schuster The true story of a boy whose life was saved by literature, Hamlet's Dresser is a portrait of a person made whole by art. ... often wryly funny memoir, ... Hamlets Dresser A Memoir, Bob Smith. (Hardcover 0684852691) Used ... Hamlet's Dresser: A Memoir by Bob Smith. (Hardcover 9780684852690) ... Bob Smith grew up in a town named for Shakespeare's birthplace: Stratford, Connecticut. AT HOME WITH: BOB SMITH; Moving To Catch A Muse - New York Times MOST people writing a memoir visit their hometown to refresh their memories. Most people are not Bob Smith. In order to write ''Hamlet's Dresser,'' the 60 ...

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