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Historical snapshots recalling dramatic, poignant, sometimes startling moments in the lifetime of America's most famous home. Not only the Presidents, not only their First Ladies, but so many others, great and "small", who have worked there, visited there, married there, even died there. Who was the elderly ex-slaveowner who passed his last days as a resident of the White House...AFTER the Civil War? And no, it wasn't Zachary Taylor, who did have slaves IN the White House and who DID die there. But that was BEFORE the Civil War, and he certainly wasn't elderly. The right answer would have been, ironically enough, U.S. Grant's father-in-law!. The "caretaker" President's stunning suggestion late in the 19th century? Why, he said, tear the place down and start all over again---replace that old White House with an office building and a brand new residence. They came to appreciate former Vice President Chester Arthur's "caretaking" tenure anyway.On the morning of his inauguration, this President danced before his wife in their hotel room and chanted in sing-song voice: We're going to the White House today; we're going to the White House today!" Would you believe this was the usually dour, stern-visaged Woodrow Wilson? And that naked man in a guest room---naked most of the day, in fact--and yet quite ready to plot war strategy with his host, Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Who else but that British bulldog, Winston Churchill. These and many more are our stories---101 vignettes from the life and times of the most famous home in America. Plus biographical sketches of all the First Ladies who have lived in the 'President's House'. .The first occupant, by the way? In 1800 it would be, but it wasn't John Adams, first President to reside in Washington, D.C. And it of course wasn't the late George Washington, the only man to precede John Adams as President...back at the former capital city of Philadelphia. No, none of the above---it instead was John Marshall, future Chief Justice, who merely needed a place to sleep in the new city rising on the Potomac while he served as Secretary of State. So, he ignored the workmen still preparing the President's House for a real president and simply moved in for a spell before John Adams arrived in town.
Inside the White House The White House "This is really what the White House is all about. Its the Peoples House. Its a place that is steeped in history, but its also a place where ... The White House White House Petitions. ... The best ideas come from the American people. Everyone has a story to tell and a part to play. Read Their Stories. Best Little Stories from the American Revolution; More Than 100 ... BEST LITTLE STORIES FROM THE CIVIL WAR with The ... Who Counted by Ingrid Smyer BEST LITTLE STORIES FROM THE WHITE HOUSE with First Ladies in Review ... Ghost Stories Haunt The White House - rense.com Ghost Stories Haunt The White House 11-1-3. WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- The White House at night is a dark and spooky place, haunted, according to legend, by ... Roosevelt's Little White House at Warm Springs--Presidents: A ... Roosevelts Little White House State Historic Site ... Finished in 1932, the Little White House is a modest, six room one-story cottage. Best Little Stories from the White House, C. Brian Kelly, Ingrid ... Best Little Stories from the White House by C. Brian Kelly, Ingrid Smyer. (Paperback 9781581824667) White House - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I pray Heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this House, ... and of little historic value. ... The White House includes: six stories and 55,000 ft ... Best Little Stories from the White House: C. Brian Kelly, Ingrid ... A slew of people died, or got married at the White House. Taft put in a giant bath tub to accommodate his girth and rudimentary air conditioning cooled James A ... White House Ghosts: From Ghost Stories at Americanfolklore.net A Washington D.C. Ghost Story . ... It is said that Lincoln's ghost haunts the White House. ... This site is best viewed while eating marshmallows around a ... Ghost Stories, Scary Stories, Spooky Tales, Supernatural Stories ... Way back in the deep woods there lived a scrawny old woman who had a reputation for being the best ... a little girl named Mary ... Stories deck by Random House.
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