Sunday, January 17, 2010

Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language

Estimated Price: $22.00 Check Latest Price Here

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Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language

Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language

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Do you cringe when a talking head pronounces niche as NITCH? Do you get bent out of shape when your teenager begins a sentence with and, or says octopuses instead of octopi? Do you think British spellings are more civilised than the American versions? Would you bet the bank that jeep got its start as a military term and SOS as an acronym for Save Our Ship? If you answered yes to any of those questions, youre myth-informed. Go stand in the cornerand read this book!

In Origins of the Specious, word mavens Patricia T. OConner and Stewart Kellerman explode the misconceptions that have led generations of language lovers astray. They reveal why some of grammars best-known rules arentand never wererules at all. They explain how Brits and Yanks wound up speaking the same language so differently, and why British English isnt necessarily purer. This playfully witty yet rigorously researched book sets the record straight about bogus word origins, politically correct fictions, phony franais, fake acronyms, and more. English is an endlessly entertaining, ever-changing language, and yesterdays blooper could be tomorrows bon motor vice versa! Here are some shockers: They was once commonly used for both singular and plural, much the way you is today. And an eighteenth-century female grammarian, of all people, is largely responsible for the all-purpose he. The authors take us wherever myths lurk, from the Queens English to street slang, from Miss Grundys admonitions to four-letter unmentionables. This eye-opening romp will be the toast of grammarphiles and the salvation of grammarphobes. Take our word for it.

Specious origins - The Boston Globe - - Boston, MA news ... Specious origins New books about language myths, slang, and more Customer Reviews: Origins of the Specious: Myths and ... 5 stars. "Terrific on all counts" Another great offering from my favorite grammar maven, once again teaming up with her husband Stewart. The writing, as one expects ... Books About Languages - 'Origins of the Specious' and 'In the Land ... ORIGINS OF THE SPECIOUS. Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language. By Patricia T. OConner and Stewart Kellerman. 266 pp. Random House. $22. Origins of the Specious by Patricia T. O'Conner and Stewart ... Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language ... In Origins of the Specious, ... In A General Dictionary of the English Language, ... Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English ... Bestselling word maven O'Conner ( Woe Is I ) is that rare grammarian who values clear, natural expression over the mindless application of rules. In her latest ... Grammarphobia: Origins of the Specious Grammarphobia Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language. Do you cringe when a talking head pronounces niche as NITCH? Do you get bent out of shape when your teenager ... Origins of English place names - Asp52 on HubPages Origins of English place names. ... The (-by) has passed into common usage in the English language as 'by-law' which means the local law of the town or village. Grammarphobia: The Books Grammarphobia Origins of the Specious Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language. Common English usage misconceptions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Language Myths. London: Penguin Books. ... Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language. New York: Random House. Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English ... Origins of the Specious has 227 ratings and 61 reviews. Clif said: The English language is a slippery chameleon; it won't stop changing. As with any hum...

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